One of the NZHS's core objectives is to promote awareness & interest in herpetofauna (amphibians and reptiles) and their conservation. In particular, for New Zealand's own species, which are found nowhere else in the world.
We aim to produce a range of educational resources which can be used to fulfil the above objective and make these available to the public.
Back in 2019, the NZHS produced an A2 poster "Herpetofauna of New Zealand" which features representatives from each group of New Zealand's terrestrial herpetofauna (Tuatara, frogs, geckos and skinks) in life-size. This endeavour was a major success with posters being sent out to community groups and schools for advocacy purposes, as well as being available to our members during our national meetings.
During late 2023, the NZHS began working on a larger and updated A1 poster "Reptiles & Amphibians of Aotearoa New Zealand". This poster has a much larger scope covering more of our species, and highlighting their threat status. We will post more information here on our website once it becomes available to our members and the wider public.
Every year we aim to produce a beautiful calendar showcasing the diversity and beauty of Aotearoa's Herpetofauna; each month features one of our many unique reptiles and amphibians beautifully captured within their respective natural ecosystems by some of the many talented herpetologists within our society. These are usually available for purchase around October each year, for more details please contact us at

Didn't find what you needed? Try the following links:
- Herpetofauna species synopses
- Frequently asked questions
- Public displays
- Glossary
- Useful links
- How you can help our native herpetofauna